Brucellosis is an infectious disease caused by bacteria that spreads from animals to people.

You can catch brucellosis if you consume unpasteurized milk, cheese, or other dairy products from an infected animal.
While rare, it's also possible to catch the disease through the air or through direct contact with infected animals.
Sheep, cattle, goats, pigs, and dogs are the animals most commonly infected with brucellosis.
Brucellosis is uncommon in the United States. However, the Mayo Clinic reports that the disease affects hundreds of thousands of people and animals around the world.
Death from brucellosis is rare: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that it occurs in no more than 2 percent of all cases of the disease.

Brucellosis Symptoms

Brucellosis can cause a wide range of initial symptoms, including:
  • Fever
  • Sweats
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Headache
  • Pain in muscles, joints, or the back
The following symptoms may last for longer periods of time, come and go, or may never go away:
  • Recurrent fever
  • Arthritis (joint inflammation)
  • Swelling of the scrotal area in men
  • Swelling of the heart
  • Swelling of the liver or spleen
  • Neurological symptoms
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Depression

Brucellosis Diagnosis and Treatment

Your doctor will confirm a diagnosis of brucellosis by running tests that look for the bacteria in samples of blood or other bodily fluids.
This often requires a biopsy of your liver tissue, bone marrow, and the involvement of other medical specialists.
Another option is a blood test that detects antibodies against the bacteria that are released by your body.
If you test positive for brucellosis, your doctor will most likely prescribe antibiotics.
The antibiotics doxycycline and Rifadin (rifampin) are often prescribed together for at least 6 to 8 weeks. Depending on the severity of your condition, it can take a few weeks to several months to recover.
Be sure to tell your doctor if you're:
  • Pregnant
  • Allergic to doxycycline or rifampin
  • Immunosuppressed (due to a drug or medical condition)

Brucellosis Prevention

Brucellosis is best prevented by avoiding unpasteurized dairy products.
You can also reduce your risk by eliminating direct contact with cattle, goats, sheep, or pigs, or making sure that any animals you come into contact with are vaccinated against the disease.